Doing stupid things allows you to learn you are stupid. Those who don't learn this lesson are stupid....

Politicians are a form of comic entertainment. However, when many people take politicians seriously, we’re forced to take politicians seriously because the politicians often lead people to war when they haven't done a good job at their other responsibilities....

Many people audition for seemingly exciting roles in the play of life. Roles of the wealthy, powerful, successful, happy, etc. However, there are more people auditioning that roles available. One role for which very few audition and which anyone can have is the role of God. To pass the audition, one needs to just give up all other roles which require the self....

As every-thing is interdependent every-thing is no-thing just a facet of everything.   No-thing can be described as descriptions are empty generalizations, the personal mind's creation, making something out of nothing.   Every-thing is temporary and everything is eternal. Descriptions are the personal mind's vanity, vain attempts to eternalize that which is no longer.   The universal mind is empty of words. It is still and yet busy eternally manifesting itself as everything.   When our personal mind is still it merges with the universe mind and we are one with everything....

The universe is the manifestation of God. Loving God is loving every thing; even those things we don't like and seek to avoid....

We should always acknowledge and express our gratitude to the God of Luck. If we think our success comes solely from our abilities and efforts and not from the presence of the God of Luck, the God of Luck will not acknowledge us with his presents....

Those who blame their misfortunes on others don't learn from their misfortunes which brings them more misfortunes....

Those who see the light embody wisdom. Those who feel its warmth embody compassion. Without wisdom and compassion, there is no light....

Something is wrong with our head if we can't enjoy the pleasures of sex and recreational drugs. Nothing is wrong when we enjoy these things, unless they get to our head....