You can't push on a string. Unsolicited monologues get little attention. However, we have people's attention when we respond to their questions. When we question others, they give us their mouth. When they question us, we have their ears. Ask enough questions and when their mouths tire, they will ask some questions and open their ears.  ...

When we focus on the details, we often fail to see the beauty of the whole. A beautiful artwork that's deemed a "fake" becomes less beautiful....

Whether awake or asleep, we are always dreaming. Those who are asleep don't know they are dreaming. Those who are awake know they are dreaming....

More praise and love is given to the dead than the living, because the dead can do no wrong....

Life is an entertaining journey as long as we don't forget it's a temporary holiday from where we permanently reside which is heaven. Even those with the most wonderful lives find themselves in hell when they forget they're on holiday....

For crying babies, milk brings peace. As adults, the Milky Way has the same effect. Unfortunately, few can access the Milky Way today. 120 years ago everyone lived under the dark-sky and could see the Milky Way. Today, 99% of people live with some degree of light pollution, precluding their eyes from drinking the light of the Milky Way....

What is within is always the same, the soul. What is without is ever-changing. What is within is essential. What is without we can live without....

Enlightenment is not a utopia. Enlightenment and unhappiness are not mutually exclusive. One could simultaneously be enlightened and unhappy, momentarily. The enlightened radiate light. While solid objects cast shadows over them, the shadows are temporary illusions that are quickly dissipated by their light....

The sun shows us every significant thing on earth and the billions upon billions of stars tell us how insignificant it all is....