Each of us stars in their own play and plays roles in other people's plays. As many plays are not popular, people who star in their own play often spend most of their time in roles in other people's plays. To have these people who are in minor roles in the plays of others perform best, we treat them like special guest stars. Maybe one day they will be stars; but, if not, at least they'll enjoy their roles more than otherwise and that will make our play a better play....

At birth we separate from being one with the universe. At death, we reunite with the universe. Blessed are those united with the universe in life, for they do not suffer death....

Who we are is revealed by how we describe others. But that's rarely how we see ourselves....

Unless they are a threat, it is difficult to take seriously someone who takes themselves seriously....

Life is a present gift wrapped by the past. To get to the present, we need to remove the past....

Being eccentric, I sometimes wonder whether I might someday be committed to a mental institution. But as I look at the people around me, I realize I am in a mental institution....

Since early childhood I always felt stupid. Many people seemed strange as I didn't know why they did what they did and how they thought about things. I still feel stupid but now realize they are not strange. They are like me. They also don't know why they do what they do or how they think about things....

It's important to think another world war is coming. If it doesn't come, we'll feel terrific as we'll be in a better position than had there been a war. If it does come, we'll feel terrific as we would be in an otherwise better position to deal with it proactively....

When we are one with the ever-changing and eternal universe, we love everything and miss nothing....