Judging a decision by its outcome, which is often affected by randomness, is a bad decision....

Weddings always make happy memories. For some couples, it's the happiest day of their lives as they begin living happily everafter. For others, it's the happiest day of their married lives as it's all downhill from there....

Perhaps the most important choice we make in life is between selfishness and happiness. Though selfishness is a choice and happiness is an outcome. We cannot choose happiness but happiness is possible when we choose not to be selfish....

Science says we see others by the light they reflect. In reality, we see others by the light we project upon them....

“Those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” -- Voltaire Ideologies and identity groups are absurdities that are the foundation of dualities....

Wealth and social status are imaginary hierarchies. Those atop hierarchies are generally very happy with themselves. When they look at those below them, they are pleased as they see the admiring and respectful faces of those below. However, the laws of gravity disturb this otherwise mutually pleasing relationship. Invariably, those atop need to relieve themselves and their droppings are resented by those below. There is nothing imaginary about that....