15 May Way Of Way 133
The sun shows us every significant thing on earth and the billions upon billions of stars tell us how insignificant it all is....
The sun shows us every significant thing on earth and the billions upon billions of stars tell us how insignificant it all is....
When we have no doubts about how we see something, we close our eyes to other possibilities....
Heaven is peaceful and those in heaven want to keep it that way. They only let into heaven only those who live peaceful lives on Earth who are already in heaven....
Can we take seriously explanations of the past as no one can predict the future?...
Buddha opened his eyes and was able to see the universe as it is. Had Buddha been studying Buddhism, he would have seen many things through his mind which would have precluded him seeing the universe as it is....
Babies see the world as it is, always new as it is everchanging, because they don't remember what they see....
Every night we die and every morning we are born anew. Thus, every day is our first and last day of life. As it's our first day, everything is fascinating. As it's our last day, we appreciate everything....
If someone doesn't love or respect us, that's their problem. We can only feel badly for them because they simply don't get it. However, we too have a problem if we resent them for it....
Everyone's life is unique, fascinating and entertaining. But that's often not their experience of it....
Enlightenment is when the lights go on in a theater featuring a captivating movie....