What we see or hear is easy to express with words. Smells are ineffable, as they are intangible and ephemeral; like the now. The nose knows the experience of the now....

Each person is a star, though only the stars that have been named are quickly recognised as stars....

Life is a dream. Some think it's a good dream, some think it's a bad dream. To those who are not oblivious they are dreaming, it's a wonderful dream....

The "smart smart, dumb dumb" have microscopic or telescopic minds or vision beyond the light range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Yet, they often fail to see what's obvious in the light of day. The "dumb dumb, smart smart" aren't much for abstract thinking. Yet, they know who they are, where they are and sense what's next. In a changing environment, a hedgehog is less likely to survive than a fox....

We see the universe through light which is a pinhole that's 0.0035% the electromagnetic spectrum. If we saw the universe through the entire spectrum, we would wish we were blind....

Some mindsets are emotional, some practical. Fire is emotional, water practical. Fearing its demise, fire hates water. Fear and anger drive fire to separate water into various small pots to vaporize it easily. Fire from the political left labels the pots "misogynist", "racist", "fascist", "oppressor", etc. Fire from the political right labels the pots "communist", "anti-Christian", "immoral", "un-American", etc. Water doesn't like to be vaporized, but knows ambient temperatures will make it liquid again. Ever-practical, water laughs at fire, knowing fire will eventually run out of fuel and extinguish itself.  ...

The soul is the center from which everything springs. That which is closest to the center is closest to the soul. That is the heart. Further away from the soul is the self. That is the head and genitalia. The heart expresses love from the soul. The head and genitalia express love from the self....

Love is love like water is water. It's all the same but its source different. There is love from the self and love from the soul The self expresses many emotions, including love. The soul only expresses itself only with love. Love from the self is temporary, as the self also needs to express other emotions. Love from the soul is unending. Love from the self is love of specific things. Love from the soul is love of the Everything. Love from the self is conditional. Love from the soul is unconditional. Love from the self is demonstrative. Love from the soul is ethereal. Love from the self is as finite as the self. Love from the soul connects us as one to the eternal now. Love from the self is empathy. Love from the soul is compassion....