The play of life is a great cosmic joke for those who “get it.” Those who don’t are the butt of the joke. Those who “get it” love those who don’t; for without those who don’t, the play wouldn’t be funny. As well, those who “get it” express their gratitude and respect to the ones who don’t; for if those who don't "get it" abandoned their roles, the ones who "get it" might find themselves recruited for the most difficult roles, the roles of the ones who don’t....

In the play of life, we are both the actors and the audience. Wonderful entertainment for all but those who forget they are also the audience....

Someone who asks you a question wants to learn. Someone who provides you an answer wants to teach. Someone who asks you a question and provides you an answer wants to sell you something....

Intellectuals are undoubtedly smart, but lack wisdom when they think they are smarter than others....

Those who "get it" are eternal. Those who don't "get it" never die because they have never lived....

As no one has ever complained about the night sky, the universe must be heaven and Earth must be hell....

Soulful love is the joy of feeling how someone emanating love feels. Selfish love is basking in the love showered upon us by others....