All things are everchanging. All things are different from different perspectives and different dimensions. Any thing of which we are certain is an illusion....

After it's born, a baby will surely die unless it is loved by some people. At the end of our days, eternal being will elude us unless we unconditionally love the now and its infinite forms. Love enables us to survive in life and survive death.   In the now, we are a self. Before and after the now, we are the soul. The now never changes, but all forms in the now are ever-changing. Forms transition until no longer recognized as being what they once were; simply, they die. When our individual form dies, we are solely the soul. Unlike a self, the soul is eternal. As the soul, we are eternal.   The now is the manifestation of the soul. The soul loves the now, as the soul loves its manifestations. When we love the now and all its forms, we are the soul. We are eternal being.   Wisdom delivers us to this realization and compassion delivers us to its actualization.  ...

We experience life in reality and as illusions. Reality is what it is whatever it is, beyond description. Describing it precludes us from experiencing it. Descriptions are allusions to illusions....

The son of God is the sun. "I" is the name of God's son. The sun is God's eye. God's eye creates the everchanging, infinite and timeless universe. Looking into God's eye, we can only glimpse the blinding whole of creation. Not to be overwhelmed, we see the whole through the hole of our eye. Our world is created by our hole into the whole....

In California, the animist gods of forest fires, floods, droughts, mudslides and earthquakes are screaming for people to leave. Yet, the false god of sentimental thinking (the self) tells some people to stay....

We are born of the soul as a self for a short journey in the play of life. When we are scripted out of the play, we are no longer a self but remain the soul. The play is a divine comedy for those who remember the way of the ever-present and eternal soul. The play is a tragedy for those selves who don't know the way. They are the lost souls....

The objective of a salesperson is to paint a dreadful picture a client doesn't want to see. The client then closes their eyes and sees with their ears. Otherwise, with eyes open, the client will listen to their nose. The nose knows....