Many a thank you is heard in the Rewards Department. Many complaints in the Complaint Department. God runs the Rewards Department and the Devil runs the Complaint Department....

Those who rejoice reflecting the brightest light are often oblivious they cast the darkest shadows....

Fake artworks are real, but real artworks are often fake. Fake artworks are real, tangible. Real artworks are also tangible, but often trade at fake prices when they are priced multiple times higher than fake artworks that provide an experience indistinguishable from real artworks....

Life is a play; at times a drama, at times a comedy. Upon realizing it's a play, dramas are funnier than comedies....

Some things are less perfect than other things which themselves are not quite perfect. Only the now is perfect, as there is nothing else....

Money is a beautiful thing as it equates the value of all exchangeable things. Yet, money is often ugly in the context of our personal relationship with it....