We don't need to worry about the future as that will be what it will be. However, we need to worry about the past, what we remember and how we remember it, as that will frame how we experience the present....

Those who appreciate life are on the way to happiness. Those who focus on trying to understand life may lose their way....

The luckiest are those who recognize they have been lucky, for they will recognize other lucky opportunities that come their way.  ...

The self and the soul have a symmetrical relationship, laughing at each other. As the self cannot see the soul, the self laughs at those who identify with the soul; thinking they are fools. As the soul sees people taking seriously the illusions created by the self, the soul laughs. But, as the self is temporary and the soul eternal, the soul has the last laugh....

"Some squirrels in south Georgia, they'll taste a little bit more nutty. Up here [Baltimore], our acorns and stuff aren't really as strong as the ones down south. Most of them up here, it just tastes like squirrel. If you put enough seasoning on it, you can make it taste like anything you want it to taste like." -- Ben Cleveland Cleveland is a football player for the Baltimore Ravens. He comes from Georgia where he ate squirrel meat when there wasn't much else to eat. ....

Much of what we undoubtedly think we see as reality is just a movie projected from our mind. To see reality we need to close our mind and open our eyes....

In a world in which we can have innumerable pronouns, we're allowed only one ideology. "According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think "referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense," versus just 31 percent who disagree." -- Newsweek...

My purpose each day is to create the sound of people laughing, with me or at me. Either way, we are harmoniously connected and the world is a safe place....

"[I]t is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth.” -- Matthew 15:10-20  ...