28 Aug Way Of Way 51
The ratio of thanking/thinking measures our state of happiness....
The ratio of thanking/thinking measures our state of happiness....
The universe is a circle. The space inside a circle is imprecise. The logical mind sees things as squares, as having a precise space. The logical mind cannot see the universe, as the space inside a circle cannot be squared. ...
All things are two things, a reflection of light and a shadow. The sun creates the light, the thing creates the shadow....
Nothing is perfect, as there is nothing about which to complain. Before and after the now is nothing. Before and after the now must be perfect....
"When I was a kid, God often told me that only people create ugliness." -- Kanako Iiyama Through the eye of God, the manifestation of God (the now) radiates beauty. Through people's minds, the beauty is often elusive or even made ugly. The mind cannot see, it can only compare. The mind compares the now that's now with the now that's passed and the future now it imagines or desires. Comparisons shroud the now with words; precluding a direct experience of the radiant now. As well, comparisons can make the absolutely beautiful relatively ugly. The now is perfect; eternally now. Yet, none of the things in the now are perfect as all things are ever-changing; at best, perfect temporarily. Focusing on things, people often complain about imperfections. Complaining is ugly. Those who know all things in the now are one thing, the manifestation of God, unconditionally love all things as they do themselves. Those who see things as other than themselves, connect to things with various emotions; many of which are ugly....
Life is a wonderful dream as long as we're not oblivious we are dreaming....
The "smart dumb" are like hedgehogs. With microscopic or telescopic minds, they do one thing well. Yet, they often fail to see what's obvious to the naked eye. The "dumb smart" are like foxes. They don't do anything especially well but can figure out how to get what they want. In a changing environment, a hedgehog is less likely to survive than a fox....
The universe is the manifestation of the electromagnetic spectrum. We see the universe through light waves which are 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum. If we saw the universe through the entire electromagnetic spectrum, we would wish we were blind; otherwise we would go mad....
Some mindsets are emotional, some practical. Fire is emotional, water practical. Fearing its demise, fire hates water. Fear and anger drive fire to separate water into various small pots to vaporize it easily. Fire from the political left labels the pots "misogynist", "racist", "fascist", "oppressor", etc. Fire from the political right labels the pots "communist", "anti-Christian", "immoral", "un-American", etc. Water people don't like being vaporized, but know ambient temperatures will make them liquid again. Ever-practical, water laughs at fire, knowing fire people will eventually run out of fuel and extinguish themselves....
The etymology of the word "universe" is literally "turned into one." The universe is the Everything turned into one thing. The Everything is the now and what is before and after the now. Sometimes, the Everything is called “God.” People pray to God for many specific things, but ultimately happiness generally. The workings of the universe reveals the way to eternal happiness, peace. God is like a shiny coin rapidly flipping and reflecting light. One side is called “heads” and the other called “tails.” The plural is used to describe each side because each time we see the same side it is different in time and space than it was before and we are not the same person from one minute to the next. The side we see is the now. The side we don’t see is what is before and after the now. As the Everything (God) is rapidly turning, the visible side is just reflections of light. However, the mind slows down the turning and creates detailed images from the light. The images and the stories we tell about them are illusions. The heads and tails seem a duality. However, the duality is also an illusion. All there is are two sides “turning into one," the universe in the form of a coin. Rarely noticed is the edge of the coin, the “third side.” The third side interconnects the two seemingly independent sides that are actually interdependent as one cannot exist without the other. Horizontally from edge to edge is an invisible central axis, or path, around which the coin dances in perfect harmony. The path is the “Tao." The Tao is ultimate reality,* the underlying principle or source from which all things arise and to which they return. The Tao is the natural flow and harmony of the universe. When we simply appreciate the coin fluttering like a butterfly, we are in tune with the Tao. We are not distracted by images and related stories we've created. We are in a state of peaceful harmony. Most of us are oblivious of the Tao, as our attention is on what was now, what is now and what will be now, the visible side of the coin. We see what is now in the context of what was and we hope to get lucky; that the next visible side, the next now, will bring us happiness. “Hap” means luck. It is the root of happiness. We pray to God to bring us luck. Yet, when we experience the simple beauty of the Tao, we realize eternal peace rather than temporary happiness. *While a coin flipping in the air seems a simple process, it's actually extremely complicated to explain in terms of physics. It involves classical mechanics, rotational dynamics, angular momentum and precession, fluid dynamics, chaos theory and quantum mechanics. In perspective, the theory of relativity is considered easier to come to know than coin flip dynamics....