The soul is the center from which everything springs. That which is closest to the center is closest to the soul. That is the heart. Further away from the soul is the self. That is the head and genitalia. The heart expresses love from the soul. The head and genitalia express love from the self....

Love is love, but is different depending on its source. There is love from the self and love from the soul The self expresses many emotions, including love. The soul only expresses love. Love from the self is temporary, as the self also needs to express other emotions. Love from the soul is unending. Love from the self is love of specific things. Love from the soul is love of every thing. Love from the self is conditional. Love from the soul is unconditional. Love from the self is demonstrative. Love from the soul is ineffable. Love from the self is finite like the self. Love from the soul is eternal like the soul. Love from the self is empathy. Love from the soul is compassion. Love from the self is joyous. Love from the soul is peace....

The messiah is here, but is hiding; yet, revealed through our acts of kindness to all, treating others as we want to be treated. Within each of us is the messiah, hiding behind our self....

“The Great Way” to enlightenment is like the infinite paths of light that lead to the sun. "The Great Way" is the realization that the light that's here is the light that's there....

It is not the fittest (most able) or the fattest (wealthiest) who are most likely to survive; it is those who are the finest at identifying changing environments and either adapting to change or changing their environment....

Winners in the game of life receive grand prizes. But every participant gets a consolation prize: the transition to heaven. The winners completely engaged with their grand prizes often forget to pick up the consolation prize. They will not transition to heaven....

The play of life is a great cosmic joke for those who “get it.” Those who don’t "get it" are the butt of the joke. Those who "get it" love those who don’t; for without those who don’t, the play wouldn’t be funny. Moreover, those who “get it” express their gratitude and respect to the ones who don’t; for if those who don't "get it" abandoned their roles, the ones who "get it" might be recruited for the most difficult roles, the roles of the ones who don’t. Sometimes, even those who "get it" forget it. This is even funnier when they "get it" again and laugh at themselves....