We start in life in front of a rabbit hole on a dark night and are given a map through the maze before us. In the darkness underground the map is useless but some are lucky to find their way through to the light. Those who toss the map and look up at the sky realize they're not rabbits as what they see is what they are....

Nothing is every-thing before it is what it is whatever it is. As nothingness, every-thing is one indescribable thing, In the stillness and quietude of meditation we can experience the nothingness of everything. Otherwise, we are overwhelmed by the infinite things that make up everything, so we organize things in containers; words, descriptions, generalizations, categories and stories describing many seemingly similar things. However, as every-thing is unique and ever-changing, no thing can be containerized. Thus, the containers are empty. Anything within them is an illusion. Likewise, the Self is an empty container. However we describe it is an illusion. The soul is the nothingness from which every-thing springs....

Why I loved my father is why he hated me. I thought it was funny when he got angry, but he didn't get the joke....

"When you believe in Santa Claus you can get lots of presents because there is always someone who wants to be Santa." It's easier for us to find Santa than for Santa to find us. If we work to find Santa, it makes it easier for Santa to find us. Practically, if we work and socialize with wealthy people we have a good chance some of them will be our Santas....

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." Likewise, the less you look, the more you can see. In quietude and with eyes closed, we are free from the world our mind has created, we forget our self and solely the soul remains which is all that ever was, is and will be....

Dear Subscribers, Hope all is well and getting better. May you have a healthy, wealthy and happy New Year and all time thereafter. Health is key to realizing wealth. Wealth is having our needs provided and not distracting us from realizing happiness. Always and all ways, Victor Teicher...

“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending." While this quote is misattributed to C. S. Lewis, a British writer and Anglican lay theologian, it is consistent with his general thinking. We can't simultaneously hold onto the past and have a firm grip of the steering wheel....

IAWIA, the acronym for "I am what I am." Pronounced: "I why?" IIWIIWII, the acronym for "It is what it is whatever it is." Pronounced: "I why why?" Why do I exist? Why am I here? Ultimately, what am I?   There is only I and there is no why. I am who I am and it is what it is whatever it is. Whoever knows eye and I are one does not suffer death.   The universe is a glass of sparkling water. Each of us a bubble that seems to come out of nowhere, takes a unique journey to the top of the glass and then seems to disappear. We don’t disappear. We become one with everything as we are before we appear as bubbles.   “If the thoughts herein echo Zen Buddhism, Taoism, the Abrahamic faiths, or any philosophical school, consider this a familiar path explored from a new vantage point. If this is entirely uncharted territory, welcome to the journey. Ultimately, this book posits that our reality is a complex tapestry woven from interdependence. Our perceptions, shaped by memory and context, are illusions of separation in a fundamentally interconnected universe. You are this universe experiencing itself, and in this realization lies both profound freedom and profound mystery. Or perhaps, you already knew this. In that case, enjoy the contemplation."   My name is Victor Teicher and this is a book about the nature of consciousness. Many of the observations herein are based on Kotodama; the interconnectedness of language, spiritual matters and the material world; wherein, broadly, the sounds, meanings and etymologies of words hold mystical revelations and affect the material world. For example: Teicher is a German name. In German, "teich" means pond; Teicher, someone who ponders. That's what I do; ponder reflections from the universal mind which is a reflecting  pond. In English, a digraph (two letters together that are pronounced as only one of the letters) made of two vowels is pronounced as the first vowel with the second vowel silent. Thus, Teicher would be pronounced as "teacher." Teaching, sharing these reflections, is the purpose of this blook. In Japanese, the second vowel of the digraph is pronounced; hence, "Teicher" is pronounced "taisha." In Japan, Taisha is the ancient shrine where all the gods meet annually. I am, through this book, a forum for the gods. Finally, the etymology of  "Victor" is "conqueror." The purpose of this blog is to conquer the self (our personal identity) which imprisons the soul, precluding us from experiencing the world through the universal mind (the mind of the soul). The soul is every-thing is before and after it is what it is whatever it is and before time begins. Moreover, synchronicity has it that in numerology the name "Victor Teicher" is "11" which is a master number. Those whose name is a master number (estimated to be around 1% of the population) are thought to represent spiritual enlightenment, heightened intuition, and a strong connection to the universe or higher power. They are idealistic and have a special spiritual mission or purpose in life to make a difference in this world. This book is the realization of my mission. Yet, I claim no ownership of the chains of the thoughts in this book as I am merely a conduit for the author who is us. Ultimately, hopefully, this book reveals there is nothing new under the sun; all ways always bring us to the here and now which is forever-new and never-changing, eternal.  ...