Raw intelligence is characterized by one's abilities in matters of conceptual thinking, memory, compiling and analyzing information and creativity. However, the truly intelligent are those who have the ability to learn something from virtually anyone....
My arms and legs work well together but I wonder whether they know each other exists. With little self-awareness, each likely feels it has an independent existence. If they knew who they were they would quickly realize that they are not independent things; they are interdependent as they couldn't exit without everything else to which they're part of and connected. Maybe when I think of who I am I'm thinking the way my arms and legs are thinking, with little self-awareness. Upon awakening, it's clear I only exist as one with everything....
Balabusta is a Yiddish word derived from the term for a woman who is "master of the house." Balabusta is pronounced as she would often be described: ballbuster....
It was 1971, Victor was 20, sitting on a futon and waiting for the journey to begin, to see what the psilocybin mushrooms had to say. As his eyes looked up, a painting on the wall was melting, colors spilling beyond its frame, on the wall, covering the floor; brilliant colors bubbling and burping. Then, Victor noticed he was elevated six to ten inches above the futon; weightlessness; the peace beyond description. After, he directed the paint colors to dance and form paintings. A profound journey. While the journey was wonderful in and of itself, it beckoned explanation beyond a write-off as simply an hallucination where the abstract and surreal supplant the realistic. However, only recently, did the message from the psilocybin vision dawn on me: everything is one thing, forever-changing; being one with everything is the ultimate peace to which our mind is the greatest impediment; and, ultimately, when we are one with everything, we create the universe. The paint overflowing its canvas implies that what we see in the realistic world as discrete, self-contained things is actually one continuous, interconnected, interdependent, ever-changing thing; the everything. However, our mind convinces us that the universe is made of discrete things. The mind does this so that we view the mind itself as discrete; different from other minds and, as such, it needs to be protected from the others. The mind feels protected and thrives when we pay it attention and take it seriously. Maybe our mind has convinced us of other falsehoods; e.g., who we are. The weightlessness implies that discrete things cannot be differentiated by weight, as all things are equally weightless. In that sense, all things are one. The peace that accompanies weightlessness is the peace of being one with everything. In a world where everything is continuous, interconnected, interdependent and equal, everything is one. Victor directing the paint colors to dance and form paintings implies that when we are one with everything the world is our creation as are our interpretations of psilocybin visions....
Waves of light come and go but when is hard to know as what we see is only our memory. Waves of sound come and go neither fast nor slow. All we know is when they show....
Doing stupid things allows you to learn you are stupid. Those who don't learn this lesson are stupid....
A funny (as in odd and humorous) thing recently happened to Victor. Victor was taking a night flight from NYC to Lisbon, sitting in First Class. As Victor never eats on commercial airplane flights, Victor wasn't paying attention to the food service. Apparently, he was not alone. The Stewardess also wasn't paying much attention until she saw Victor drenched in 3/4 of a bottle of Champagne which she inadvertently dislodged from its casing. Victor's immediate reaction was to laugh. Likewise, in other similar passed situations, Victor was quick to laugh . However, until now, I didn't realized why Victor thought such situations funny. Now, upon reflection, Victor's nature is such that Victor instinctively views a situation as how others in the situation might react and how others would perceive the situation. These perspectives are generally funny. Victor has been embracing alternative perspectives since he was a child, when he realized that everyone views a situation differently and as such there is no definitive perspective, including Victor's. Thus, to understand a situation, Victor automatically takes many perspectives. What's funny about a passenger's Champagne accident is that many people in that situation would have been upset or even angry. That's a selfish reaction as being upset is succumbing to their ego and not realizing how happy they should be in their circumstances relative to most people in the world. An egotistical fool is always funny. Moreover, many people who are forever stressed out about money matters would love to be in the passenger's situation, with the presumed freedoms accorded to someone wealthy enough to fly First Class. Yet, these people are fools as well because an angry passenger has no freedom; he is a prisoner of his ego, as are those who admire his situation. Of course, the Champagne accident could have been actively made funny had Victor had asked the stewardess to give him her shirt as she had wet his and he needed a replacement. Now. I understand why when Victor has been to the movies, he is often laughing while others are not. P.S. While I am who I am, people socially refer to me as Victor. I refer to myself as "I" when talking in the present and as "Victor" when referring to myself in the past, a person who is now passed. Referring to oneself in the third person is call illeism....
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." We see what's passed in reflections our mind has constructed. The reflections are illusions, not real. When we change our reflections, what we see invariably changes as it never had an inherent reality to it. ...
“It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement — that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.” Material things come and go, if not in our lifetimes then when we exit the play of life. The true value in life is life itself; appreciating the wonderfulness of it all, awakening to our divine consciousness, and helping others likewise....