As every-thing is interdependent every-thing is no-thing just a facet of everything.   No-thing can be described as descriptions are empty generalizations, the personal mind's creation, making something out of nothing.   Every-thing is temporary and everything is eternal. Descriptions are the personal mind's vanity, vain attempts to eternalize that which is no longer.   The universal mind is empty of words. It is still and yet busy eternally manifesting itself as everything.   When our personal mind is still it merges with the universe mind and we are one with everything....

Birth is fission. Love is fusion. Fusion has greater energy than fission....

"May you live in interesting times." This quasi-blessing is actually a curse. Times that are not interesting are peaceful, while times that are interesting are times of great conflicts. Clearly, it's better not to live in interesting times. Interesting times are generally interesting. To wit, most history books are about wars and conflicts, very few are about when the world was at peace. People are likewise. They have more interest in their traumas than when they were carefree. Perhaps they would be better served showing little interest in their personal history. That way, they can move forward carefree....

“Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” Life is essentially simple and beautiful, unless we complicate it with our mind....

“You were born an original. Don't die a copy.” We are billions of unique individuals but are socialized into common roles in the play of life. Our roles become our identities which retard our realizing our inherent unique potentials....

"You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while." As we are the universe, we are eternal. But if we solely identify with our fleeting human form, we will surely die....

The universe is the manifestation of God. Loving God is loving every thing; even those things we don't like and seek to avoid....

The Buddhist path to liberation refers to enlightenment. Liberation is liberation from the personal mind. There is only one mind, the universal mind, the mind of God. The universe is the manifestation of the universal mind in the now. Dwelling in our finite body (which seems apart and separate from the universe) is a personal mind that is connected to the universal mind. However, we identify with our personal mind and are mostly oblivious to the universal mind. The path of liberation is realising our connection to the universal mind. The personal mind buffers us from directly experiencing the now. In other words, we experience the now not as it truly is but as a function of our personal mind. The personal mind defines, describes and compares; transforming the now, which is a flow, into a static experience. The now we experience with our personal mind is illusionary, empty of reality. However, we embrace our personal mind for we fear losing our identities and in turn being alone, not knowing who we are and where we are. The personal mind is grounded in memories. The memories are stories we create based on our intentions, actions and their consequences in previous lives. (Previous lives are previous days of our life.) These illusionary stories frame, define and describe the now. These stories are our karma. By not allowing us to experience the now directly, our karma essentially holds us in a karmic prison. Liberation is liberation from our karmic prison. Once liberated, we can experience the now as it is and in so doing we become one with the now, one with everything, eternal. There are no words to describe or compare this experience. All that can be said is that it is what it is whatever it is. The path to liberation is how we escape the karmic prison of our mind. Our escape is difficult, blocked by fears created by our personal mind. To escape, we need to quiet our mind until it falls asleep. Then, we can sneak passed it to liberation. Meditation puts our mind to sleep. When our mind is asleep via meditation, we transition from our personal mindlessness to universal mindfulness as our personal mind merges with the universal mind. Beyond meditation, we can renounce our personal mind. This is done by surrendering to the reality that we know nothing and that every-thing our personal mind tells us is not real, just illusions. Then, our curiosity is aroused; what am I, who am I, why am I? To answer these questions, we observe the universe with our eyes; not with our personal mind. We know we are experiencing the universe with our eyes when every-thing is unique, an experience like no other; nothing can be described, nothing can be compared. All we can say is WOW, as we feel connected to and love every-thing and everything. (Mouthing the word "wow" is like mouthing a kiss.) With our eyes open, we can see the light and come to know that we and the light are one. Now the path is clear. We are the path, the way of way (WOW). This is the path of the Buddha. A path guided by the light, not by a guru who at best can only reflect the light....