Being asleep is like death, we are one with everything. Upon awakening from sleep we slowly separate from everything and our self is formed. Our self makes life a dream. When we awaken from the dream our self disappears and we are not oblivious of from where we come and go. Then we are one with everything again.   Some have good dreams, some have bad dreams. But waking up is wonderful for all....

Time is a rapid river dancing thing when we are in the river rafting. Over the rapids, too quick for us to think about what's past, what's future or anything; just engaged with what's about to be now. and how to deal with it somehow. On the shore we can hear the river roar. But when still and silent within, time moves without a din....

America is a funny partner on the dance floor; singing one song and dancing to another. An often-sung phrase from the Declaration of Independence is that the purpose of government is to protect each citizen's right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Ironically, in terms of life, directly (through overseas military adventures in Korea, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Kosova, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq) and indirectly (as the biggest arms exporter in the world), the US has caused more deaths outside its immediate borders in the past 60 years than any other country  Moreover, as regards liberty, the US has the highest incarceration and solitary confinement rates in the world. As to happiness, the US steers its citizens away from happiness, the hallmark of which is gratitude. Instead, as a consumption-driven economy, its citizens are encouraged to become addicted to never-ending desires. While singing euphoniously about personal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, clearly the country dances to another tune. This lack of integrity is funny to watch but not if we want to dance and sing until we are one with everything....

"The more you look the less you see." When we are frantically searching for something, we might not see the obvious. When sitting still, we can sense the presence of everything. A spotlight reveals great detail but a floodlight illuminates the room....

"Nothing would exist without our awareness of it. Our thoughts, our awareness, allows its existence. Without our thoughts there is nothingness. This is wisdom. That’s why when we see someone take their thoughts seriously we can only laugh.”...

“Does a man who is acting on the stage in a female part forget that he is a man? Similarly, we too must play our parts on the stage of life, but we must not identify ourselves with those parts.” Life is a play named "Terrific." For most of the actors it's not terrific as they identify with their roles, take themselves seriously and in turn make fools of themselves. Often, for them the play is a tragedy. As to the enlightened actors, they know the play is a play and their roles are not who they are. For them, seeing the others take themselves seriously, the play is a comedy....

Before birth, we are in the present, the pre-sent; the peace before the universe expresses itself. At birth, we are in the Now. The Now is the universe expressing itself. In the Now, we have an intense sense of awareness as everything is unique, ever-changing and interdependent. It's so intense, it’s exhausting; that’s why babies sleep much of the day. In the Now, nothing can be described or has meaning as nothing is comparable to anything before or after the Now as the Now is all there is. As the Now is overwhelming, our mind artificially transforms the Now so it’s palatable. Our mind does this by creating stories, descriptions, categorisations and generalisations about our past experiences in the Now. These memories are our mind, not the Now. The memories seem real, but are illusions. They mask the Now, precluding us from experiencing the Now directly. In effect, the illusions imprison us. However, we can escape from our mind's prison when the past is passed; that is, when we let go our belief that the past is real. Freed from the past, we can enter the Now and now know Now for all its beauty and wonder. While it's beyond words and descriptions, in the Now we know we are one with everything, connected by love. As it's at times overwhelming, we can only be in the Now temporarily and need periods to rest. Soon, questions arises: Who am I, where am I? To answer these questions, we need to separate ourselves from the Now by minimizing sensory stimulation via meditation or other sensory deprivation technique. Then, with our mind calm, we can enter the present; the pre-sent; the peace before the universe expresses itself. This is heaven. In the pre-sent there is nothingness but the soul; the fountainhead of everything, creation. In the pre-sent, we and God are one. We are the audience watching the universe and the play of life unfold in the Now. While what we see is beyond descriptions and words (the operating system of our mind), our reaction to it is twofold, funny and sad. Funny to see people take their illusions seriously and sad to see them imprisoned by their mind. However, our sadness is temporary as we know they will all be in the pre-sent, in heaven, when they leave their bodily lives. Thus, there are two ways to heaven; experiencing heaven on Earth or after the inevitable....

"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." Time heals all wounds, sooner or later. When our time runs out we have no wounds....

"Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. Hence, Silence is the Self." Silence, nothingness, is what everything is before it is and what everything is after it is. The essential nature of everything is nothing. Hence, every thing is one thing, a unique temporary manifestation of nothing. When we identify as one thing, nothing, we can self-describe ourselves only as "I am who I am" and everything is what it is whatever it is. It is then that we are free from the identity our mind has constructed and are one with everything. Our mind cannot see but it can hear and speak. Through hearing and speaking our mind constructs the world and our identity. Silence calms the mind and keeps it at bay from performing its mischief....