08 May Can’t See The Forest For The Trees
Entangled in the now we're oblivious to its beauty which is clear from before and after the now....
Entangled in the now we're oblivious to its beauty which is clear from before and after the now....
Heaven is peaceful and those in heaven want to keep it that way. They only let into heaven only those who live peaceful lives on Earth who are already in heaven....
A piece of a whole is the essence of duality. The whole is peace....
Years back, a friend, Joe, called to announce he was engaged and wanted me as the best man at his wedding. Joe was 6'4" and his fiancé, Diane, wasn't noticeably shorter. Physically, they saw eye to eye; otherwise, a completely incompatible couple. Before Diane, Joe was not a pretty drunk for many years. He went sober coincidentally with starting a relationship with Diane. While no longer drunk, as he and Diane were clearly incompatible, he still couldn't see straight. I advised him against the marriage; told him he was better off as a drunk. He said I didn't understand, he was madly in love with Diane. I said that was the problem, love kept him from seeing clearly. It turned into a very acrimonious marriage; screaming and fighting. Yet from a distance it was funny juxtaposing the image of Joe mad about Diane to Joe mad with Diane. They didn't see the humor; exhausted, they finally called it quits five years later. With divorce rates high, there must be many couples like Joe and Diane suffering the consequences of blind love. If not for marriages based on blind love, the number of divorces would likely drop 70%. But divorce rates would rise because there would be even fewer marriages....
We are all individual cells in one human body; nerve cells, heart cells, fat cells, skin cells, blood cells, etc. Each type of cell lives in a cluster of identical cells that function, behave and think alike. The most unusual cells are the blood cells. Red blood cells don't have a nucleus, can't reproduce and have the flexibility to easily change their shape. Without a nucleus or mind, they are essentially selfless and embody compassion; their sole purpose is to serve other cells. They travel through the body, visiting all types of cells, bringing cells oxygen for sustenance and removing carbon dioxide which would otherwise kill them. Through their travels, red blood cells recognize that there are many different types of cells, each having a different perspective of the body. While the nerve cells might be the smartest, the white blood cells the most combative, the stomach cells the toughest, the bone cells the hardest, etc.; the red blood cells, having the perspectives of other cells, are the wisest. With wisdom and compassion, red blood cells are the enlightened cells. Maybe that's what makes them the most colorful....
Can we take seriously explanations of the past as no one can predict the future?...
"If a man gives no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand." Until it is obvious, it is difficult to see things we haven't first imagined. Imagining dangerous scenarios allows us to see and avoid them before they become reality. While these imaginings are stressful, they are less stressful than experiencing them....
Governments often sing and dance to different music. They sing of doing wonderful things for mankind as they dance on people's bodies....
This 5500 year old female figure comes from the time before the dawn of the written word. Much has changed since then but perhaps men have not. The figure is depicted with eyes, nose, breasts and a vagina; but no mouth or ears. Perhaps that's how most men like their women. More seriously, what this apparently sacred object (it is referred to as an "idol") means is open to interpretation. Eye idols are almost invariably depicted with eyes only; no mouth, nose or other body parts. Perhaps that's the nature of a presumably all-knowing deity, they observe and do not speak. As Lao Tzu observed more than 3000 years later: “He who speaks does not know, he who knows does not speak." ...
In the Bible, God appears to Moses in the form of an eternally burning bush. The bush however is not burning. As its flames are not devouring the branches, the flames must be light, not fire. The light however appears as fire, our mind perceiving it based on our past experiences where light in a bush can only be fire. The mind's preconceptions blind us from seeing things as they are. The burning bush, as the entire universe, is a manifestation of God. Moreover, the bush metaphorically reveals the nature of the universe: ever-changing (flames) and eternal (not burning). The light that appears as flames represents wisdom (Proverbs 3.18). The light unveils the bush, the eternal soul, from darkness. The bush is seneh, a bramble, a rough prickly shrub which bears raspberries, blackberries or dewberries. As a prickly shrub with light abounding, the bush's thorns are "the fiery ever-turning sword" that guards the path to the Tree of Life (Genesis 3.24). The path leads to the soul's soul, the Tree's fruit. Those who can see the fiery ever-turning sword as light and thorns can, without fear of burning or hurting, partake of the fruit to sustain themselves (Book of Enoch) as they become one with the soul's soul. When we understand the burning bush, we understand the universe; ever-changing and eternal. Then, we can find the soul's soul and be one with everything forever. In the image of God, the burning bush, is the Tree of Life. When we dispense with the mind, its preconceived notions and the fears they engender, we can see the universe as it is and ultimately connect as one with God....