"We shall not cease from exploration and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." After the end of days, we arrive at the place before our birth. It's like a simple frame surrounding an engaging painting, we don't recognize this place as we've busied ourselves in life. It is here however where we come to know who we are and have always been; nothing and one with everything. The universe is a glass of sparkling water. Each of us a bubble that seems to come out of nowhere, uniquely travelling its way to the top of the glass and then seemingly disappears. We don’t disappear. We become one with everything as we are from before we appear as a bubble....

Every day is wonderful in a different way. That's what makes it wonderful While we remember very few of all those wonderful days now passed, that doesn't take away from their wonderfulness. It allows us to more fully experience the wonderfulness of today....

"The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones." We can experience the newness of everything and see endless possibilities once we escape the karmic prisons of our mind's construction....

She was a wonderful and beautiful girl, promiscuous and with low self-esteem. She had the pick of the litter but picking the litter was her dream.   A beautiful girl can have the most desirable mate, unless she has low self-esteem and feels she doesn't deserve the best. With low self-esteem she feels mates are only interested in her for their sexual pleasure which she liberally provides to attract them. Beautiful and promiscuous makes her wonderful for her mates. Picking many mates, she get the average mate; like garbage relative to the most desirable....

Luck is the key to success. Once we realize that we're more than halfway to success. Luck is identifying opportunities and making lucky choices to realize them. Anyone who thinks their success is solely a function of their own abilities and efforts is a fool. Fools are prone to bad luck. To get lucky we need to vigilantly be on the lookout for luck. Luck happens everywhere but in some contexts more than others. Work is where lots of luck can be found. Working long hours and keeping our eyes open to for potentially lucky situations, we increase our chances of getting lucky. Then, when luck arrives, we recognize it immediately as we anticipated its arrival, embrace it and enjoy a ride to success, if we are lucky. If we're not successful with the chance we took, it was still luck; only bad luck. But bad luck is better than no luck.  ...

Man has two ways through life. The way of the dog and the way of god. Dog/God is a semordniap, a word whose letters read backwards also spell a word but with a different meaning. The way of the "dog" and the way of "god" are suggested by the typeface of each word. "dog" begins with the letter "d" whose topmost part is above the horizontal axis of the word and ends in "g" whose lowermost part is below the horizontal axis. This suggests that the way of the dog begins in the heavens and ends below the ground. It begins with a sense of superiority, arrogance, and ends in equality with all. Likewise, "god" begins with "g" whose lowermost part is below the horizontal axis and ends in "d" whose topmost part is above the horizontal axis. It begins with equality, modesty, and ends in the heavens, in oneness with God. Simply, starting with arrogance leads us to death and starting with modesty leads us to the heavens. The way of the dog is animal consciousness and the way of god is divine consciousness. "o" is a symbol of perfection. The space within and the space without the "o" are mutually exclusive, mutually dependent and all there is. It is the now, the akin Earth experience of both dog and god; differing only in that the dog way enters the now with a sense of arrogance and the god way enters the now with modesty. Beyond the Earth experience, there are two ways: the way to the ground (the dog way) and the way to the heavens (the god way), death or transition. The choice between the ways is easy; dog is not man's best friend, God is.   Paul Rand was a personal friend, a graphic designer who assiduously focused on typefaces. I was with Paul at his deathbed. Paul didn't die, he transitioned....

All religions hold sacred a simple truth, the golden rule: compassion, treating others as we wish others to treat us, treating others as ourselves because we are all one. This is the way to liberation from the selfish self. This is the way to be one with God; to realizing our purpose in life, divine consciousness. If we are not compassion incarnate, religions subject us to rules, regulations, rituals and absurd protocols in the name of serving God. Only when religious followers awaken and embody the simple truth, the golden rule, can they have freedom from religion....

Within colorless white light hide the spectrum of colors. When the sun dances with rain droplets the rainbow appears revealing the spectrum. Blue is the symbol of wisdom. Red is the symbol of love. Between blue and red is yellow, the symbol of God. Flanked by wisdom and love is where God is hiding. When we know wisdom and love, we know where God is....

No one is getting out of here alive. We all transition from this finite life to realize we are one with the universe forever. We transition as a piece of the universe to at peace with the universe. In time before the transition, we ready ourselves for sleep unlike the countless thousands of temporary daily sleep-deaths. Best a dome shaped room, like the dome shaped egg from which we came, with a video of the night sky; our hand held by a loving one; and waves of sound of transcendental music filling the room to quiet our mind until we and the waves light and sound become one. If the loving one speaks, what is there to say but "I love you, always have, always will, always and all ways. Thank you for being you. Thank you for having me."...