28 Jan Way Of Way 244
No thing in the universe is perfect, but the universe is perfect. No thing is perfect and nothing is perfect....
No thing in the universe is perfect, but the universe is perfect. No thing is perfect and nothing is perfect....
The universe is made of an infinite number of interdependent things. Yet, things seem independent when we see our self as independent of the universe....
U are who U are, a self in various roles in the play of life. U are what U are, God in the audience. U are double U (W), self and God. The play of life unfolds in the now. Yet, in the now U are nothing (O), as the everchanging now is now no longer; our experience of the now is an illusion of memory. Before, in and after the now, U are WOW....
"What if the solution to every problem is just to chill the fuck out?" -- Maddy Albright Our emotional reactions often obscure solutions to problems. Problems, identified by the words "oh fuck", cause emotional distress, a rise in our body temperature and inflammation. Rising temperature further exacerbates emotional distress. Stepping back from a problem lowers our body temperature and reduces inflammation. That's chilling the fuck out....
Me two or me too; duality or unity, self or soul?...