When we are grateful and love the now that is now, we are poised to be happy with the now that will be later....

The messiah is here, but is hiding; yet, revealed through our acts of kindness to all, treating others as we treat our selves. Within each of us is the messiah, hiding behind our self....

“The Great Way” to liberation (awakening and enlightenment) is like the infinite paths of light that lead to the sun. Yet, "The Great Way" is unlike these paths of lights, as it is the realization that the light that's here is the light that's there....

Love that arises from the self is conditional love. Love from the soul is unconditional love. When we love a particular person or thing, that's conditional love; that is, love conditioned on that person or thing being who or what they are. Unconditional love is love of everyone or thing as they are or as it is. Though there may be some people or things we don't like, we nonetheless love them. Cosmic love, the nexus of conditional and unconditional love, is an orgasm....

As children we need to be loved, for we will surely die without the help of others who presumably will help us because they love us. At the end of days, we need to love everyone and everything, for otherwise we will surely die if we are not one with the everything....

It is not the fittest (most able) or the fattest (wealthiest) who are most likely to survive; it is those who are finest at identifying changing environments and either adapting to change or changing their environment....

The winners in the game of life receive grand prizes. But, every participant gets a consolation prize: the transition to heaven. The winners who rejoice with their grand prizes often forget to pick up the consolation prize....

It's easy to equally divide a pie without knowing math, but impossible when you know the math of pi....