We come from a black hole arrive with a big bang make fireworks then turn into confetti....

This surreal 19th century Kongo fetish (an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit) depicts a bundle containing juju (magical substances that empower an object) from which a mirror-faced head with a feather atop emerges. When we look at the mirrored face of the object, we see ourselves. This suggests we are the fetish and the fetish works its magic through us. The feather protruding from the head suggests the mind of the fetish connects it to the spirit world;  that can take flight and see beyond the range of man....

When Victor was a little boy (though maybe he's still a little boy), he was always mystified how almost everyone was certain about things. People were certain about matters of God, about who is smart or stupid, about concepts of right or wrong, etc. Victor, however, was uncertain of seemingly everything, especially as each person had a different perception of the same thing and each certain theirs was correct. Only after reading the story of the Ten Men and the Elephant Victor realized why so many people were without doubts. They each looked at things through their mind, (conceptually, comparatively and through group thinking), not through their eyes; hence, they didn't know what they were looking at. If they saw through their eyes, they would know that each person's perspective is as valid as one's own since every individual perspective is limited; hence, they could be certain about nothing. Living with uncertainty can be stressful. Thus, most people relieve the stress by believing their perspective is undoubtedly right. However, "uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one." -- Voltaire...

"Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen." We recall an infinitesimal fraction of our past experiences. What we do believe we recall we weave into a story that bears little connection to our actual experiences. In effect, we are playing the game of Chinese whispers, unaware we are playing with ourselves....

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but having new eyes." Viewing something from different perspectives is more enlightening than viewing different things....

Those who see the light embody wisdom. Those who feel its warmth embody compassion. Without wisdom and compassion, there is no light....

Something is wrong with our head if we can't enjoy the pleasures of sex and recreational drugs. Nothing is wrong when we enjoy these things, unless they get to our head....

You can't push on a string. Unsolicited monologues get little attention. However, we have people's attention when we respond to their questions. When we question others, they give us their mouth. When they question us, we have their ears. Ask enough questions and when their mouths tire, they will ask some questions and open their ears.  ...