Our point of view, where we stand, is a function of where we sit. How things appear to us is colored by where we sit along the spectrum of light; perhaps cheerful when red, sad when blue or whatever moods we associate with various colors. When all the perspectives across the spectrum come together, as clear white light, can we see things in their true colors. This is wisdom. Alternatively, we can sit calmly, close our eyes and see everything with the white light from inside of us. This is enlightenment....

Those who claim their success came from luck are the most able. Those who think their success came from their abilities are bound to be unlucky. Acknowledge and be grateful to luck and luck will likely return....

When we are certain we are not dreaming, we are dreaming. In reality, as all things are forever changing, we can be certain of nothing. Yet, in our mind, we are certain things are as we think they are....

God is an ambiguous concept, though many have claimed to have spoken with God or have had some direct experience with God. In Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, God is the perfect being; possessing power, wisdom, and goodness and is the creator and ruler of the universe.  In non-monotheistic and animist religions, a god affects human matters in various positive and negative ways. Moreover, in religions that imagine there is something other than nothing after our death, God is the guardian who determines who enters heaven. As God has given us life and allows us to sustain ourselves, we need be grateful to God. As God's actions obviously have greater effect than ours on how our life unfolds, we should be humble and not overconfident that our knowledge and abilities will determine our fate on Earth. As all things descend from God, we need to treat all of God's creations in the best ways we treat ourselves. When we are grateful, humble and treat others as we are one; we may never come to know God and its nature, but we are in heaven....

We are one with everything before we are born. We are one with everything after we die. What does one with everything feel like? It is likely a happy time as no one has every complained about the time before they were born and we are essentially happy when we are not complaining. The time between birth and death is infinitesimal relative to the time before we are born and the time after we die. Yet, we focus virtually all our attention on the time between birth and death and pay little heed to the time before and after. Perhaps we would be happier if we paid some attention to the time other than when we are alive....