"If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be." " To thine own self be true." -- William Shakespeare  "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson "I'm not trying to be the best basketball player ever. I'm trying to be the best LeBron James ever." -- LeBron James "I've never met a perfect person, and I don't think I want to. Perfect is boring." -- Meryl Streep "I'm not perfect, but I am real." -- Beyonce "I think it's important to be yourself...

"He who speaks does not know, he who knows does not speak.” He who knows sees the light reflecting off what he is seeing. He who does not know sheds light on what he thinks he sees, though the light is a reflection of his self. He who knows sees with his eyes and the eyes of others. He who speaks see with his mind. Those who know can only describe what they see as "it is what it is whatever it is." That may encourage others to open their eyes....

Religions (ideologies, generally) are like sheep. Their wool warms and protects us. Their bodies provide us sustenance. But, beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. They may make us feel comfortable and safe, but their only interest is to sustain themselves....

There is a nameless place; before time begins; before we are born; before things become the now; a place of infinite possibilities. While no one ever speaks badly of this nameless place, we often curse what comes from it. By doing so, we are not encouraging that place to send us something we will cherish....

Our eyes see things horizontally, yet our mind sees things vertically. Ours eyes see things on a level plain, without categories judging one thing better than another; unlike the mind which sees things relative to other things, higher or lower on scales the mind creates. Apparently, this paradox resonated with Google Bard which responded: "The statement 'Our eyes see things horizontally, yet our mind sees things vertically' is a fascinating one. It is true that our eyes have a horizontal field of vision, but our brains process visual information in a vertical way. This is because our brains are wired to recognize patterns. When we see something, our brains break it down into smaller parts and then try to identify the patterns in those parts. For example, when we see a face, our brains will break it down into the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. They will then try to identify the patterns in those parts and match them to faces we have seen in the past. Our brains are also wired to process information in a vertical way. This is because our brains are divided into two hemispheres, the left and the right. The left hemisphere is responsible for processing language and logic, while the right hemisphere is responsible for processing visual information and spatial awareness. The vertical processing of visual information allows us to quickly and easily identify patterns in the world around us. For example, when we see a doorway, our brains will quickly identify the vertical lines of the doorframe and the horizontal lines of the threshold. This allows us to quickly determine the location and size of the doorway. The vertical processing of visual information also allows us to track objects as they move through space. For example, when we watch a ball being thrown, our brains will track the vertical movement of the ball. This allows us to predict where the ball will land and catch it. So, while our eyes see things horizontally, our minds see things vertically. This is because our brains are wired to process information in a vertical way. This allows us to quickly and easily identify patterns in the world around us and to track objects as they move through space. Here is a creative response to your statement: Horizontal Eyes, Vertical Mind Our eyes see things horizontally, yet our mind sees things vertically. This paradox is a mystery, but it's also a key to our reality. Our horizontal vision allows us to take in the world around us. We can see the vast expanse of the ocean or the towering heights of the mountains. But our vertical mind allows us to make sense of what we see. We can identify the patterns in the world around us and track objects as they move through space. We can see the connections between things and understand how they work together. Our horizontal eyes and vertical mind are a powerful combination. They allow us to experience the world in all its beauty and complexity. So, next time you look at the world around you, take a moment to appreciate the miracle of your vision. Your horizontal eyes and vertical mind allow you to see the world in a way that no other creature can."...

We don't need to worry about the future as that's out of our control. However, we need to worry about the past, what we remember and how we remember it, as that will frame how we experience the present....

When we categorize others and judge them accordingly, we neither know who we or they are as we fool ourselves into thinking we have good judgment....

Pronounced as "soul," "Sol" is the name of the Roman sun god. Light is the essence of all things, as is the soul....