Passion originally meant suffering. Passion today means love. Likewise we transition from suffering to love. Before birth we are one and after an infinite many. Suffering begins at birth and ends when love connects us as one.    ...

“To love myself is to love you.” I am you and you are me and we are one together. The eternal and unchanging self has infinite faces of ever-changing expressions. Each face we see is us....

"Sticks and stones may break my bones But words shall never hurt me." This adage has apparently been lost in contemporary American society which suppresses freedom of speech through punishments like job losses, shunning and physical and economic violence....

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.” Short-term happiness is easier to realize than freedom, but freedom allows for long-term happiness....

"People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used."...

The words "look" and "see" are often used interchangeably. However, they are different. To look means to direct our eyes in a particular direction. To see means we become aware of something by using our eyes. An essential difference between looking and seeing is in the context of time. We can look at the past and at the future. However, we cannot look at the present as the present is right here, right now; not somewhere else in which direction we can look. We can see things only in the present. We cannot use our eyes to become aware of something in the past or future because these time frameworks are not real; they're artificial; constructed by our mind; an illusion. Hence, for example, we cannot look for real beauty; it only exists where we can see it which is wherever we are now. When enlightened, we can see. When we are looking, we are looking in the dark....

In The Light   Take a memory What is it really A movie that plays in the mind What's it like What’s it made of Can you touch it Hold it Is it always there Is it the same every time Does it shape itself around how you’re feeling Is it reliable Look at it Watch it As it changes from one day to the next, one year to the next Fading Until what was vivid, becomes thin, vapid, and dissolves Like an old movie reel Fading And forgotten   What of the future What is it made of Without memories Without the scaffolding of the past How can it stand Is it not made of a better version of the past Without something to revise What would it be   And there’s now What is this The light Only the light Everything All light Scour the past Hope for the future For the holy light The blessed light The heavenly light The light of God Yet it can only be found here Stripped of adjectives Reduced of rank Beyond comparison   To see the light Is merely to look It is inescapable We are As is everything Only the light The past and future Swallowed and digested in the light of now Then this Spreads in all directions Forward Back Locked in In eternity In the light All is lost Nothing revealed...

"Complementarity: the concept that one single thing, when considered from different perspectives, can seem to have very different or even contradictory properties." Embracing complementarity is the essence of wisdom....