Our failed efforts can be very valuable. They are valuable if they teach something about ourselves as that increases our chances of realizing success in the future. If we blame others for our failures, our failures are worthless.  ...

"Mary Had a Little Lamb" is a 19th century nursery rhyme familiar to most American children. A simple rhyme, yet befuddling without an understanding of relationship and context. Does Mary had a little lamb mean that Mary had a pet lamb; that Mary had a small vagina; that Mary had sex with a lamb; or that Mary ate a little lamb? It's a matter of context and relationship. In the context of Mary's father reading the rhyme, it's clear that Mary had a pet lamb. However, Mary's boyfriend talking with his buddies likely means that Mary had a small vagina. Mary's kinky friends might mean that Mary had sex with a lamb. Mary's dinner partner would mean Mary ate a little lamb. Context and relationship defines meaning....

I've done many a foolish thing and made many poor choices. Yet I have no regrets. If I was to change one thing in the past, there is a good chance the present would not be as it is now. That's too risky a proposition. Best to take life as a package deal....

"Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace." “Ain’t no need to worry what the night is gonna bring, it will be all over in the morning.” Anita Baker....

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Those who accept the biblical explanation of the origin of life believe God created all that there is; hence, the chicken was created before the egg. Those who hold an evolutionary view of the origin of species believe there can be no chicken without an egg, the egg came first. Which came first seems a matter of whether we have a biblical or secular bent. However, according to the bible, as God created sea animals before land animals and as sea animals bear eggs, the egg came first regardless of one's perspective....

“What Do You Care What Other People Think?” If you're concerned about how other people think of you, you are likely hanging out with people who think likewise. How could you care about how those people think of you? It's hilarious if you do; caring about the thinking of people who have little else to do but spend time idly thinking about others and accomplishing nothing. People aren't thinking much about anyone or anything.  Caring about how others think of us is a fool's errand. Doing so limits our freedom to be who we are and by not being ourselves we cannot realize our potential; a wasted life. Moreover, caring about how others think about us is a stressful errand which drains our energy and leaves little for us to lead healthy and productive lives....

“The main obstacle to progress is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. You think you know. But no, you don’t. Once you understand that you don’t know, then your mind is a little more open to say, ‘Oh, OK, there are other possibilities, maybe it’s not true after all.’ Even though you wanted it to be true.” Humility in the form of having an awareness of our ignorance arouses our curiosity which leads us to fascinating insights beyond our preconceived notions....

Some lives are complicated, some simple. Complicated lives seem more interesting with lots of wild scenes, dramas and complications. However, complicated lives are at times overwhelming. Simple lives are happy lives, filled with gratitude for the good fortune of living simple lives. Simple lives avoid multitasking, compartmentalize experiences, accept and do the best with what comes their way, don't worry about matters they cannot control and are optimistic that all will ultimately work out well. When at times our lives become complicated and overwhelming, best to simplify them and realize the happiness of a simple life....

Black paint in a can brushed on a canvass and spilled on the floor. In the can it's $30, on the canvas priceless, on the floor worthless. Same paint, never the same depending on context....