The more you look the less you see. When we look for something, our mind focuses on what we are seeking and tries to identify it as something separate from everything else in our line of vision. In doing so, we are blind to everything else. Likewise, we fail to see the forest when we're looking for a particular tree; fail to realize we're unlikely to find a particular tree in a vast forest and more likely to find ourselves lost than to find the tree....

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind." When the mind is calm it doesn't engage us in a wrestling match. We can then deploy it to observe the infinite manifestations of the universe and create an order of things that make temporary sense of it all. In the preceding sentence, the second "it" is ambiguous; unclear if "it" refers to mind or universe or both or neither. Maybe all that can be said is that it is what it is whatever it is....

Best we keep our eyes open if we want to follow our dreams. If we're passionate about a career but lack the talent to make dollars, it doesn't make sense. But a singer with a lot of passion and no talent can be successful as a comedian....

"Be open to everything and attached to nothing." This concept didn't sit well with my wife, until I explained it. Being open to everything means we realize the universe is endless realities and possibilities. When we are attached to nothing, we don't take any reality or possibility too seriously or confuse any as the sole expression of reality. This is the essence of wisdom. Nothing is what everything is before it is what it is whatever it is. Nothing is the essence of reality. When we are attached to nothing we are one with everything. This leads to compassion as we thus treat everything as we treat ourselves. It is wisdom (realizing infinite perspectives and possibilities) and compassion (oneness with the infinite expressions of reality) that open the door to enlightenment....

The phrase "it's all downhill from here" can be interpreted variously: going forward things will get easier or things will worsen. It's meaning reflects our attitude. For example, through much of our lives we have more time than money and we trade our time for money. However, at some point we crossover, we have more money than time.  It's all downhill from here as our lives are now relatively easy as we are financially free to do as we wish or it's all downhill from here if we think our life will progressively worsen as we run out of time....

Employees believe the amount of their year-end bonus is a function of their past performance. Employers pay bonuses as a function or whether they want to retain an employee for the upcoming year. That's why an employee remains an employee and the employer is the employer. The employee only looks back and the employer looks forward....

After all the time and effort spent on the meditations, the retreats, the rituals, the costumes, the holidays, etc. and especially embracing the abstract concepts explaining our destiny after death, hopefully we awaken with the sound of our hysterically laughing at the absurdity of it all. If not, our time and efforts have been for little but maintaining the obstacles others face on the path to enlightenment....

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." One constant in the universe is change; the river, the man and everything is ever-changing. Anything to the contrary is an illusion. While no man can step in the same river twice, he can drink from it many times. A man today can remember the experiences of the man he once was and use the knowledge gained from those experiences for his own welfare. ...

The purpose of life is to have a wonderful time of it every day, to realize our potential and to help others likewise. However, some days we are distracted by difficulties and life doesn't seem all that wonderful. Then, if we step away from what's engaging us and focus on helping others, we'll have a purposeful day and at least have a wonderful time vicariously....

Life is always and all ways wonderful, though few so realize as they sleep through it or take themselves so seriously they're oblivious they're alive. However, at some point we all realize the wonder of it all; hopefully long before the end of days, allowing us to appreciate it all. That's the essence of happiness....