We see things not as they are but as a function of our position and disposition. Having recently spoken with some people on the Left, they all view Joe Biden as maybe a bit old but certainly of sound mind and effective in performing his job. Moreover, they view Kamala Harris as possessing more than average intelligence, but not as articulate as most politicians. Those on the Right view Biden as obviously in early senility. As to Harris, they view her as a moron (IQ between 50 - 75 (average IQ is 100)), though none identify her as an imbecile (IQ 25 - 50). As to disposition, those who are happy with their economic position and prospects, favorably view Biden and Harris. Those who feel their way of life, in terms of safety and individual liberties, is threatened and that the country is "going in the wrong direction" (presumably right is right and left is wrong) are very unhappy with Biden and Harris. Clearly, those who are wise know it's difficult to know who Biden and Harris really are. Moreover, as politicians, it's unlikely they know....

In our mind some things are the same, some things are different. In reality no thing can be compared to another as all things are aspects of the same thing, the everything....

People are funny, from a distance. That's wisdom. But, as we get close to them, laughter turns into sadness as we realize they aren't joking and we project ourselves in their mindset. That's compassion. Realizing we are one with everything is wisdom. Experiencing ourselves as one with everything is compassion....

"The medium is the message." McLuhan was also a punster, to wit: "The medium is the mess-age." "The medium is the mass-age." "The medium is the massage." The medium is the message means that the content carrier (TV, movie, newspapers, etc.) frames the content such that the content is distorted, sometimes to the point it is unrecognizable by the content producer. The medium is the message is like the game of Chinese Whispers, things from the mouth sound different than from the source. The medium is the mess-age implies that the same content viewed from different medium can be so differently perceived that the content is confused, a mess. The medium is the mass-age means that there is a very large number of medium conveying the same content. The medium is the massage means that the medium focuses on relieving the pain or stress of the viewer more than delivering content. That is, frame the content to make the viewer content. Moreover, on a personal level, the medium is often more the focus of our attention than the message they provide us. For example, a spiritual leader is often celebrated more than the message they deliver. When we awaken, we realize the medium is not the message....

"Those who understand only what can be explained understand very little." Little of the universe has been explained. If we don't understand that, we don't understand much and are unlikely to understand more. To know the universe we need to discover it ourselves, not simply rely on explanations given to us by others....

"I used to get a laugh from students by quoting a Soviet citizen I talked to once. He said to me, 'Of course we have freedom of speech. We just don't allow people to lie.' That used to get a laugh! They don't laugh anymore." Today we have freedom of speech, as long as no one is listening....