We are but ice cubs melting and evaporating. An ice cube alone melts quickly. Many ice cubes together melt slowly....

We have no recollection of the time before our birth. Maybe because it is like when we're asleep, a time of which we remember only what we imagine in dreams. Or maybe before birth we were one with everything and with no mind; thus, there is nothing to remember.  ...

"Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe." -- Inscription on the Greek temple at Delphi. You, I, the gods and the universe are one....

They understand much and know little; long on intelligence, short on wisdom; have more answers than questions. High on an imaginary pecking order. Never in doubt, often wrong. The more they look the less they see for they cannot see what they cannot imagine.   Following the advice of pundits is the penalty we pay for not thinking independently....

"Liberty produces wealth, and wealth destroys liberty." The consequences of too much of a good thing are not a good thing for the good thing. Liberty allows capitalism; capitalism creates wealth; wealth leads to power which soon concentrates among an elite and in turn disenfranchises all of their liberty. "Under socialism everyone (except the leaders) is equal. As in equally fucked" in terms of individual liberties. -- William Wisher....

"No one lies on their death bed and thinks: I wish I had more money." At some point in life we reach a crossover point when we realize we have more money than time. Certainly we reach the crossover point in our last moments of life. But as each of has thousands of lives encapsulated as a life each day, we are at the crossover point soon after we awaken from our sleep....

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -- George Bernard Shaw...