I generally meditate three times a day; before first light, at 4:00 for five hours; then at 12:30 for 45 minutes and again at 21:00 for an hour or so. On occasion, I meditate some minutes here and there when the need arises. I've frequently meditated between courses at a restaurant. When my meditation session ends, I'm awakened, sometimes after a short meditation not knowing where I am or who I am, and energized with a deep appreciation of uniqueness of the simple and mundane, like the current of water coming from the sink faucet as I brush my teeth. I generally meditate in a supine position, though sitting when in a car or restaurant. In meditation I'm completely separated from this world of collectively familiar forms and memories and meanings; much of everything I experience in meditation is abstract, surreal or enigmatic. Most people would call my meditation sleeping, perhaps so. Like sleep, meditation is the experience of the empty space before and after conscious states of mind when we presumably are awake; like the space between breaths; like the space between the true-present and when our mind manifests the true-present as the present-passed. The empty space of meditation is a path to awakening to the light that is the essence of everything....

"When in doubt, do without." Our eyes and ears can persuade us of almost any falsehood. But doubt protects us from making choices whose consequences we may regret....

Saving time is difficult, better to spend it well. That which is convenient saves time, like driving instead of walking or eating fast food instead of preparing our own. However, time saved now costs us time later for medical attention as our health fails or time lost as our lifespan is shortening. Best to spend our time well right now....

You here, long time? More than 40 years back, I found myself in a NYC taxi. Though the driver didn't greet me, he didn't seem unfriendly. As he was dressed in clothes from the Indian subcontinent, I assumed he had recently arrived in the States. To get going a conversation, I asked him in mock pidgin English: "You here, long time?" To which he responded in the King's English: "I have been here 10 years, but I don't know if that is long or short." We then both laughed, sharing an enlightening moment. Ten years is ten years. Long or short are empty categories, like bottomless buckets; yet we continue trying to fill them to make sense of an otherwise seemingly overwhelming world about us....

Happiness is a state of mind characterized by gratitude, optimism and freedom from karmic prisons. As a state of mind, it can be fleeting; sometimes present, sometimes not. Happiness cannot be pursued as pursing it, desire, is the antithesis of happiness. True happiness comes to us as in trying to catch a mouse. Since we run faster, it would seem we can catch a mouse by running after it. But that's a fool's errand. Best to sit quietly, like in meditation, with a piece of cheese by our side and have the mouse come to us....

When future and past are absent, therein lies the present. When not distracted by thoughts of the past or future, we can enjoy the present moment which is all there is....

The past is like bars our mind creates, forming a world holding us prisoner. We incessantly shake the bars, trying to free ourselves but to no avail. Letting go our grip the bars fall to the floor, we can walk out of our world and connect with the greater universe....

The purpose of enlightenment is both micro and macro, the realization of personal potential and collective evolution. On a personal basis, enlightenment lights the road to a happy life and the realization that who we are is one with everything and eternal. Collectively, when the whole of humanity realizes its potential, enlightenment, we will take an evolutionary quantum leap and transition from animal to divine consciousness: we will live in harmony with one another and our environment. Sapient beings have evolved technologically and now have the ability to destroy themselves and much that inhabits the Earth. Without this quantum leap in evolution, there will be many extinctions....

Knowing there is only one soul to which we are all connected is the essence of love. Love is wisdom, viewing the universe through the many faces of the soul. Love is compassion, treating others as we treat ourselves as they and we are one and share the same goal: enlightenment....

The universe, an infinite number of worlds, is empty but for waves of energy our minds transform into unique worlds, all of which seem real. But real they are not as there is only one mind and one empty universe with waves of energy....